"Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us."


"Thank you very much Dawn for your help over the past two years! I've learned a lot from you and I feel like I've stabilized to the point where things that bothered me excessively a few years ago now bother me significantly less, enough to make a huge difference in the quality of my life." -P.D.

"Therapist after therapist with Dawn being the final stop! I was literally at the end of my rope. I felt as if I was standing on quick sand and life was incredibly hopeless. Dawn is the one person that was able to meet me in that hole, grab me by both arms and pull me out! I would highly recommend Dawn Elder to anyone who is needing some support!"-K.L.

"Throughout my time of seeing Dawn she has helped me tremendously with healing from traumas, both from the past and the present. I have carried around guilt with sexual abuse that has happened to me, and she has helped me to reevaluate those situations from an adult perspective, and come to terms with it not being my fault. She has given me ideas of how to cope with the anxiety I suffer with, whether it's mindfulness, breathing, or self soothing. She is helping me to figure out how to love myself without guilt, and to sift through my thoughts to seek the truth when my brain seems to only want to put me down. This helps in so many aspects, but especially with an eating disorder. My communication skills have expanded in regards to expressing my emotions respectfully to those around me without waiting until i feel like I'm going to blow my top; also, not living in my emotions as though they are reality. I can't say enough about her treatment! I have shared personal information with her that I haven't shared with anyone else, and she doesn't blink an eye. I sense zero judgment, no matter the shame, only compassion. I continue to see her because I need the encouragement in all of those areas to continue to heal. I highly recommend her." -J.M.

"Dawn has taught me to challenge my negative feelings while being more assertive and adjusting to life with chronic pain."-F

"You're a darn good therapist and I thank God for you! I'm sure that all of your patients do! You make a lot of people's lives better!"

"For 40 years, I carried the guilt and shame of a decision I made that I have regretted since. I had an abortion when I was 19 years old. My current husband was the father and it was more his decision than mine and I resented him for it for 40 years. Then I found Dawn after seeing several therapists throughout my life. Dawn is a miracle worker! She helped me to move forward in my life and taught me skills to conquer the guilt, shame and depression! The relationship with my husband has never been better! Thank you Dawn for everything you've done to help me and for being who you are!" -W.N.

"Thank you so much for all you've done for me over the years and especially this past year when my Dad died. You go above and beyond...more than I've ever had a therapist go! Thank you again!" H.M.

"You are one of the most influential people I have ever met. Thank you for getting me through the toughest time in my life. You helped me to be so strong! Even though I'm sure you have your own difficulties, you get up every day and push through and helped me to do the same! Thank you!!" R.R.